Being A Shrew to My Ex-Husband After Our Divorce chapter 108 - i’ve gone blind | English Novels Online

Being A Shrew to My Ex-Husband After Our Divorce
Chapter 108 - I’ve Gone Blind
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Chapter 108: I’ve Gone Blind

Lan Jian was in the entertainment industry, so he did not really believe in such gossip. From what he knew, Chai Xingyu was very similar to Wei Zhou. They were both typical workaholics, and would like nothing better than to sit at their desks every minute of the day. Chai Xingyu had been in the industry for so long, and he had never even dated anyone, let alone have a long-term girlfriend. Therefore Lan Jian did not believe that Chai Xingyu was in a romantic relationship with Su Yan.

Now that he had seen it with his own eyes and heard it with his own ears, Lan Jian cried out in his heart, “Damn! I’ve gone blind!”

Lan Jian thought about how efficient Chai Xingyu and Su Yan seemed to be. He didn’t even know that they were in a relationship, but they’d already bought their marital home. Did they have to have a child first for it to be considered to be a romantic relationship?

Walking out of the sales center, Lan Jian took out his phone and called Wei Zhou. They had known each other for at least thirty years, and he was Wei Zhou’s best friend. Lan Jian had seen how Wei Zhou changed ever since the divorce. He was completely sure that the divorce affected Wei Zhou.

Lan Jian knew exactly what Wei Zhou was thinking. He knew that Wei Zhou definitely regretted the divorce. If Lan Jian couldn’t even figure this out, then he wouldn’t be worthy of calling himself Wei Zhou’s best friend.

Even though a fault confessed is half redressed, it was already too late for Wei Zhou to do anything. Su Yan had already found herself a new partner and even bought a house. Once Su Yan’s name was written on that property deed, then she would have nothing to do with Wei Zhou any longer.


In the conference room of Excellent Era Corporation.

During the end of the year, Wei Zhou’s workload had increased exponentially as the president of Excellent Era Corporation. This was already the 113th meeting Wei Zhou had attended this month.

“Buzz…” The phone on the table vibrated.

Wei Zhou was talking when he glanced at the phone. When he realized that it was Lan Jian calling, he hung up without hesitating. Wei Zhou was at a loss for words whenever he thought about his best friend Lan Jian. Lan Jian was almost forty, but he lived like a child, calling Wei Zhou for just about everything under the sun.

“Buzz…” Just as Wei Zhou hung up, his phone vibrated again. The veins on Wei Zhou’s forehead throbbed. He admired how thick-skinned Lan Jian could be. Lan Jian could call Wei Zhou repeatedly, until Wei Zhou turned off his phone or picked up the call. If Lan Jian could persevere like this at work, Blue-Ray Media would probably be an industry leader.

“Let’s rest for ten minutes,” Wei Zhou said as he looked at his watch.

Li Rong nodded and signaled for the meeting to stop so everyone could rest. Immediately, everyone stood up. Some ran to smoke, some went to fetch water and tea, and more people rushed into the bathroom.

Outside the meeting room, Wei Zhou found an quiet corner. He picked up his still-vibrating phone. “Tell me, what’s so important? If you don’t give me a reasonable explanation, you can forget that limited-edition motorcycle.”

Lan Jian took a fancy to a limited-edition motorcycle at a motorcycle exhibition in the middle of last month. At that time, he was pretty much lapdog and followed Wei Zhou around him every day. Lan Jian didn’t even go to work anymore.

The reason why Lan Jian pestered Wei Zhou so much was because the limited-edition motorcycle had already been bought by Wei Zhou before the exhibition. Wei Zhou was really annoyed with Lan Jian’s relentless persuasion, and agreed to sell the motorcycle for Lan Jian. But this only shut Lan Jian up for a few days.

Wei Zhou pricked up his ears and quietly waited for Lan Jian to speak. He planned to take this opportunity to ruin the motorcycle deal. It was Lan Jian’s bad luck that he approached Wei Zhou just as Wei Zhou wanted to vent his anger on someone.

“Oh, so you’re waiting for me? Don’t worry, what I’m going to say next is definitely a good reason.” Lan Jian said confidently. “I was accompanying my cousin to buy a house. GuesswWho I saw?”

Wei Zhou’s expression turned cold. “Who? Are you going to tell me or not? I’m hanging up if you aren’t.”

“I saw Su Yan. Your ex-wife is buying a house with her current boyfriend, and they’re already going through the procedures,” Lan Jian said hurriedly.

Wei Zhou was slightly startled, and then a shiver went down his spine. Even those who were sitting in the meeting room couldn’t help but tremble. Although they couldn’t see their boss, his powerful aura had already enveloped them..

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Being A Shrew to My Ex-Husband After Our Divorce

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