Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor chapter 2967 - 2967 can’t afford it | English Novels Online

Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor
Chapter 2967 - 2967 Can’t Afford It
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2967 Can’t Afford It

The black cloth fell to the ground and the luxurious but low-key carriage appeared in front of them.

Feng Jiu looked around the outside of the carriage while Gray Wolf entered and tested out the mechanisms. Once she was satisfied, she nodded: “Not bad, it’s fine.”

“As long as My Lady is satisfied it’s all that matters. The carriage costs a lot of money.” Gray Wolf said with a grin.

“Has the money for the carriage been settled?” Feng Jiu asked.

“It’s been settled. We can go once we have collected it.” Gray Wolf replied.

Upon hearing this, Feng Jiu nodded, then flicked her sleeves, and two Violet Gold Spirit Deer appeared in front of them. When he saw the two beautiful Violet Gold Spirit Deer, Gray Wolf’s eyes widened slightly. With a novel look on his face, Gray Wolf stepped forward and touched the deer. However, the deer took a step back and avoided his touch, and at the same time, it let out a cry.

“Ah, gegege…” Little Hao’er, who was in Feng Jiu’s arms, waved his hands excitedly when he saw the spirit deer and giggled.

“My Lady, these are the Violet Gold Spirit Deer? They are beautiful. Is Madam going to use them to pull the carriage?” Gray Wolf asked as he looked at the two spirit deer. They actually didn’t let him touch them!

Feng Jiu smiled: “Yes, the carriage will be pulled by them. You can put the rope around them!” While she spoke, Feng Jiu held Hao’er and leaned forward. She held his little hands and stroked the deer: “Go on!”

When the two spirit deer heard her words, they walked in front of Gray Wolf.

“Hehe.” Gray Wolf grinned and took the opportunity to touch the deer’s antlers. After the two spirit deer were tied, he said: “My Lady, please get into the carriage! I’ll take you anywhere you’d like to go.”


A voice drifted over and Gray Wolf looked back. He saw a few figures walking over to them, and amongst them was a beautiful woman in red. When she saw Feng Jiu, also in red, her brows wrinkled up.

At this time, Feng Jiu had her back towards them. The voice that drifted over from behind her didn’t make her look back. Instead, she held Hao’er and stepped up onto the small stool to get on the carriage and sat down inside the carriage.

As for Leng Shuang, she also got onto the carriage, but she didn’t sit inside.

The eyes of the people who came over were immediately drawn to the two Violet Gold Spirit Deer. When they saw the two rare Violet Gold Spirit Deer being used as spirit beasts to pull a carriage, they couldn’t help but feel a stab of pain.

“These are extremely rare Violet Gold Spirit Deer, you’re using it to pull a carriage? What a waste.” A man shook his head and sighed, unable to look away from the two Violet Gold Spirit Deer.

“I never heard of Cardinal Point City having Violet Gold Spirit Deer. Has it come from abroad?” Another man in brocade clothing said. When he tried to touch the deer’s antlers, the deer snorted out two puffs of air through its nose and avoided it at the same time.

The luxuriously dressed man was stunned and laughed: “Interesting, I like it.”

“Hey, these are Violet Gold Spirit Deer, who wouldn’t like it?” The other two people said.

At this time, the beautiful woman dressed in red glanced at them and said: “Since you like it, then why don’t you ask its Master to sell the two deer to us?”

Gray Wolf, who was holding the reins, was stunned for a moment before he looked up and down at the beautiful woman dressed in red suspiciously. Because his gaze was so obvious, the she snorted coldly and asked angrily: “What are you looking at?”

Gray Wolf grinned and said: “I don’t think you can afford these two Violet Gold Spirit Deer even if we were to sell it.”

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